Culinary and Transportations


    There are so many things that you can explore on your travel in Surakarta or Solo. Not only culture, or Batik, Solo also has a pretty good culinary appeal.  In various corners of the city, you will easily find typical food of Solo that you might not find in other cities. And don’t ask the price! You will be able to taste it with just $1. 


    Some typical food Solo viable for you to test, the first is tengkleng. Tengkleng nearly equal to the curry but tengkleng more dilute because it does not use coconut milk. It is made from goat meat, bones and jerohan (inner part). And you will get more pleasure when you enjoy it with your bare hands, or in the Java language "muluk" (eat without a spoon). You can find this in the typical food stall near the gate tengkleng Klewer Market.


    Timlo this kind of soup that contains sliced chicken, boiled noodles, boiled eggs, sliced sausage solo and sometimes contains also sliced mushroom (Auricularia polytricha) and carrot soup poured fresh nodes. These foods can be eaten just like that or eaten with rice.

Solo Liwet Rice

    Liwet Rice is a typical food of the most famous, it was savory and delicious. The uniqueness of liwet rice from Solo is the way of serve by  using  “pincuk” (plate of banana leaves) with fried chilli side dish, boiled egg yolk,  areh / kumut (egg white plus coconut milk), plus a side-dish of small diced  chicken meat , "bacem" egg, and jerohan. You can find it on roadside, during the morning the rice sellers will be ready on the alley of village at 5 early morning.

Sate Buntel

    Sate buntel  is somewhat different from sate in general. This kind of Sate is made from finely chopped goat meat, and secret spices typical sate buntel, then wrapped and given a layer of fat sheep, goat fat melts and penetrates into the baked goat meat, it would be more savory and delicious. Because the meat is used for wrapping sate is goat meat choice with the best quality and the correct cooking process typical goat smell rose does not smell anymore.

Pecel Ndeso

    Pecel ndeso is consist of brown rice, mixed with vegetables (banana leaves, leaves of marigolds, china petai leaves, turi flowers, and long beans), white or black sesame sauce. Eaten with fried eel, pari wader fried (pari is the name of vegetable, not a stingray :) ), fried eggs, sausage, bongko (red beans and coconut milk), gembrot (coconut and simbukan leaves), and fried iso. The most famous Pecel ndeso restaurant in solo is Waroeng Tempo Doeloe in Jl. Dr Supomo 55 M'beling market, but you can also find it on roadside with cheaper price.

Gudeg Ceker

    Claw (chicken feet) is a complementary foods served with gudeg. Claw boiled with herbs coconut milk so it feels soft and delicious. Besides gudeg, claw can also be served as a companion meal of porridge. This menu will be delicious when doused with Sambel krecek Fried Sauce. Gudeg ceker can be found at Jl. Wolter Monginsidi Margoyudan, Warung Gudeg Ceker Bu Kasno. You can also find it on roadside at Sunday morning.


    The most famous snack in Solo!! Even domestic tourist know Serabi Solo is the best Serabi. Serabi Solo (Solo pancake) is different from other areas. These snacks are not eaten with sweet coconut milk, because it is already sweet and savory. Solo pancake batter made from rice flour, sugar, coconut milk and surrounded with dry and crisp crust. Serabi solo also has a wide range toping like chocolate sprinkles, jackfruit, and banana slices. These foods can be found in Notosuman at Jl. Moh Yamin Notosuman and Warung sidewalk along Jl. Slamet Riyadi (open from afternoon until evening).

Gempol Pleret

Gempol Pleret consists of coarse rice about 1.5 cm diameter circle in size. This sphere then doused with coconut milk and palm sugar. Gempol Pleret is a fresh type of drink.

Dawet Ayu

Another kind of fresh drink. Contains of cendol made from rice flour or cassava flour, black rice, and sweet basil doused with coconut syrup. Served in a small bowl. Ayu Dawet is available in Pasar Gede in the morning.


    Solo is known throughout Indonesia as a strong upholder of Javanese culture. A visit here is a chance to connect with and take in the sights and sounds of ancient Javanese culture. You’ll need at least a few days to explore the city to wander around and discover all the vibrant old markets, busy street life and ancient buildings.

    So, it is a must for every visitor to know the best way to get around Solo. There are various kind of transportations in Solo. Each of them has unique features and offer different sensations. So here is the brief introduction to transportation in Solo.

1. Angkot

    “Angkot” is derived from the words angkutan kota, or city transportation, and is used to describe the little beat-up minibuses that terrorise the streets of most cities in Indonesia. 

    There are 10 routes of angkot in Solo. It can be said that Angkot is the least frequently used transportation used by foreign visitor because it is less comfortable than bus and also a bit confused for first timer because there’s a no fixed stop for angkot. But, travel around Solo with angkot is surely gonna be fun experience and let visitors have a closer look to local people’s life.

2. Becak (Pedicab)

    Becak is three wheels vehicle, which is one of the most popular traditional transportation. In the modern era like now, Becak is still exist among other modern transportation like car and motorcycle. The main benefit of this traditional vehicle is that these vehicles do not produce gas emissions like other vehicles that use gasoline and diesel. In other words, becak is more eco friendly. And also, although it is slower than modern transportation, Becak give the unforgettable experience while get around Solo.

3. Batik Solo Trans Bus

    Batik Solo Trans (BST) was launched in 2010 by city government. It is well-known as comfortable and air-conditioned public transportation with very affordable price. Until now, it has two main routes that reaches almost all part of Solo. The price is Rp. 4.000,- for public and Rp. 2.000,- for students.

4. Rent a Car, Motorcycle, or a Bicycle

    Some tourist really want to taste how it feels like to live like local people by using public transportation as we mentioned above. However some others really want to have flexible schedule to visit place of interest in Solo and also the ease of moving from one place to other. So, renting car, motorcycle, and bicycle could be the best choice. The service of renting those transportations can be found in hotel, downtown area, and even tourist center.